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farhin ahmed, but they call me chickie. i will make 2010 awesome.

Friday, May 29

smells like you

i was thinking about blogging about what you said but then i decided not to, ill keep it to myself :)theres a few things going on. i'll start from the beggining.

i used to cry all the time, i just wouldnt show it. id sit in the toilets and cry but now i dont anymore cause im no longer scared. im not scared to go ahead talk or even just stand there, to wander around cause im slowly fitting in. not fitting into one place but fitting into several. i lost you but its not as bad as i thought it would be cause you're changing. im wondering how long i can take this ignoring or how long it will last until one of us break and finally say something or even smile at each other. ive lost a few people but its ok cause i found a few more along the way.

its scary that we're talking again. its freakishly weird. it makes me happy though so thank you =D i think that its a shock to some people that we're talking, but of all people its shocked me the most. im realising that i love being friends with you thinking that something might happen shouldnt stop us from being friends, i dont think its a good enough excuse. we're talking and your feelings aren't changing so it shouldnt be a problem anymore. just simply, i miss you.

you make me smile and you make me cry. you make me feel like things are right, that they're not so bad. well it was kind of a suprise but its a good suprise, i like it :] btw you'll get it back on monday, but i like the smell of it/the memory it brings so i might accidentally forget it :P AND OMG YOU I WAS WATCHING MONSTERS INC AND YOU REMIND ME OF SULLY :O LOL

fatty your so cute and an evil bitch, why would you do something so mean to elizabeth, she is freaking obsessed with you and your funny hat, dont be so mean LOL. remember you can wake me up whenever at night cause the kids will keep me up anyway ==" ill keep you warm when you get cold, ill feed you chips when your hungry and ill give you caramello when your down :)
ps.your hair looked good today

moonira baby, i miss you. you have no idea how happy seeing you on webcam makes me gaahhhhh, words dont describe that kind of joy. i love you and wish more than anything else that you were still here cause i need you. but more importantly i want to be there for you but i cant :( my stupid blogger thing wont let me upload goddamn photos but i have a whole timeline of us :) ill post it another day yeah. love youuuuu

for my happiness, ill return the favour one day soon sully =)

1 comment:

Greek said...

i want my hoodie back damn itTT
ps: (8) This is the best thing(8)