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farhin ahmed, but they call me chickie. i will make 2010 awesome.

Friday, November 6

here goes.

anonymous says (5:45 PM):
*yes, y do i still love him
- chickie; get our sex on says (5:46 PM):
*cause he was the only one that you made you feel like he was treating you right
*and you had sex with him
*sex is a big thing
*it makes an emotional connection when it happens with non-slutty chicks
*and you dont forget it easily
*its not him that you miss, its all the memories that you had with him
*and memories will only be memories unfortunately
anonymous says (5:47 PM):
*y are u so smart...
- chickie; get our sex on says (5:47 PM):
*cause i went through a year of it with :)

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