About Me

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farhin ahmed, but they call me chickie. i will make 2010 awesome.

Wednesday, January 27

yes this is about you.

"you know its never fifty-fifty in a friendship. Its always seventy-thirty or sixty-fourty or even fiftyone-fourtynine, never fifty-fifty. someone always makes the gesture first. someone puts someone else un on a pedastal. someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride."

i dont think i was the one that made the first gesture. i know for a fact that we were fifty-fifty but as the months rolled by i put you up there on the pedastal, you didnt do the same for me. you were always first in my books but now im always second. im as sure as hell though that towards the end i was the one tyring to keep it the way it was at the beginning. i would to anything to get back to that.


1 comment:

Lizzie Le said...

yooo chickkkkkiiee :}
i'll bring the dress on monday and you can try it on in the bathroom and decide if you wanna bid on it or not :D