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farhin ahmed, but they call me chickie. i will make 2010 awesome.

Monday, June 1

not even in the slightest

its a game now, so lets play. game on bitch.

fuck yeah it hurt, it killed bro, i was dying inside and breaking on the outside. you dont get it do you, you never did, you still dont and i dont think you ever will. when you do think though that you got it, please let me know i want to congratulate you cause after a whole year of trying, another lucky chick got it through to you.

its like jenga. one block out of place and it all comes crashing down. damn, my life must be several jenga towers cause it all collapses down one by one and i dont get a chance to build it back up. well its getting better now, its not as bad. everything's slowly making its way back.

remember that feeling? that took over your senses. all you could smell, see, feel, hear and touch was them. i miss that feeling, being overwhelmed by someone elses emotions and body.

i loved it how i was your world. i hate it now cause with everyone in my life i come second, even if they're first to me, i'll be coming second. i want to be number one to someone, someone who will drop everything they're doing because i needed something. i want to be someone's world, no i want to be YOUR world.

please dont take away anymore from me than you already have.

it was our day
it was my best friend
it was the only night i was looking forward to

i dont remember how in love i was until i fell out of it. i read my past blogs and i was so in love, i was so happy and my life seemed so....perfect. you made me so happy and so on top of the world, i know it sounds cliche but its true. thats what i felt like and now im in the pits.

how can you keep doing this over and over again? dont you get tired breaking promises, crushing my hopes and putting me in misery? i dont get why I still put faith and hope in you when i know its just useless and lining me up for another disappointment.

you keep shooting me down but i refuse to stay down. everytime the gun fires and i fall to the ground i get back up steadying myself for the next fire. you fail to miss and i fail to not trust you to put the gun down and come over to heal my wounds.
you will always be a part of my heart, so unless you try otherwise you can't put it back together.

i keep waiting and i dont even know why.

you make me happy but you dont seem to notice. i dont think you see how much you mean to me in my life or how much i try to keep you happy, to keep you around in my life. i try my best to please you, to be there for you, to listen to all your heart ache, to all you joy even if its crushing me. i know that you're looking out for me, that you dont want me to get hurt but please just let me be free and do what means most to me. all i can ask from you as my best friend is please dont be pissed at me and just be there for me when i get screwed over, your a guy dont you understand that your species will always be making me unhappy ?

why do i feel as though we're drifting apart?

i'd stay up every night until 230 to teach you science just so it meant that i spent another night webcamming with you.

thank you furry, i couldnt have gotten through today without you, you made it awesome (H). i shall be stalking you now :D

thank you the rest of you that put a smile on my face :] especially shae crawling through the cat flap LOL


Aaron said...

:) Beautiful blog. Stay strong! And yeah, it's true guys will always screw girls over, but look forward to the next person that will sweep you off your feet. Look forward to those moments, and the fall won't be as bad :)

Rosa said...

ngaww love your photos.

hope you had a wonderful day :D

nina :) said...

"how can you keep doing this over and over again? dont you get tired breaking promises, crushing my hopes and putting me in misery? i dont get why I still put faith and hope in you when i know its just useless and lining me up for another disappointment."

i know how u feel love.
stay strong xox